مرصد صيني يكتشف 100 توهج للضوء الأبيض من الشمس اتحاد المعاهد الثقافية الأوروبية في مصر يستضيف اليوم "معرض صبأرت" ثقافة السلام والمقاومة والاستشهاد في الأدب الفلسطيني المعاصر السقا ورسالة حب لكريم المصريون على موعد لمشاهدة كوكب عطارد بالعين وتصويره في السماء أكاديميون من جامعة الشارقة: البشر سيحتاجون لثروات 3 كواكب أخرى بحلول 2050 حمزة بن دلّاج.. قصة أخطر مخترق جزائري في العالم المقاطعة.. الداعم الأول للاقتصاد المصري
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Sayed Mahmoud

Two Films... for Promising Dreams!

One of the advantages of the film departments established in some universities is that they have provided the opportunity to discover fresh talent with innovative ideas, which may contribute to the change we desire in the form and content of our films. While participating in the evaluation of graduation projects of cinema department students

"Sudanese Cinema Crosses Barriers to Cannes Film Festival"

What's the secret of a country, which lacks elements of the film industry, being present in major global events, while another country with a cinema history of more than 120 years can't provide a single honorable representation? Here, I speak about Sudan, which this year participates in the most important international festival, the

!Errors Spoiled the Mood in Ramadan Drama

During the holy month of Ramadan, social media focused on the negative aspects of all the series that were shown, and no work escaped criticism. Viewers turned into critics and analysts. At the forefront of the works that were criticized were "Sira Al-Imam," "Sareh Al-Bata" and in the second half, "Talt